What to expect
Initial consultation
Schedule your initial consultation, it’s free! Here we’ll get an idea of your situation and you can ask any questions you may have about the process. While this step isn’t necessary, I strongly recommend it if you have never been through mediation or are seeking mediation without an attorney.
Schedule your mediation
After the consultation, if both parties agree to mediate schedule either a half day or a full day mediation through the scheduling tool on my website. If you need special hours or accommodations, please reach out and I’ll work with you to accommodate both party’s schedules.
Pay the deposit
To save your mediation date, a deposit will be required. The deposit for a half-day mediation is $100 and $200 for a full day. The remainder of the payment will be due the day of mediation, prior to the mediation beginning. The fees are listed as such:
$150 per hour, per party
Schedule your pre-mediation phone call
Before the mediation happens, I’ll schedule a phone call with each party to discuss any outstanding questions about the process and gather additional information about the situation. If you have an attorney, it is important that they are included on this call as well. It is at this time that I will also send an agreement to mediate to both parties. This document will need to be signed and returned prior to the mediation taking place.
Gather any needed documents
Consult with your attorney and be sure to bring any documents suggested. Ensure you have the appropriate financial information and needed passwords to obtain any online information that may be necessary.
Attending the mediation
Once the day of mediation comes, all parties that have decision making power will need to be in attendance. Once it is determined that all parties are present, the mediation will begin. Throughout the mediation, the parties will be separated to ensure confidentiality and good flow of communication.